Objective of Yangon Division Chamber of Commerce And Industry

The objects for which the Association is established are as follow:
(a)     To co-operate with the government in the activities of regulating smooth and speedy flow of commodities, stabilizing and lowering of prices in the country.
(b)     To co-operate with the government in the implementation of economics policies adopted by the country.
(c)     To lead the members in maintaining unity for the success of the business.
(d)     To co-ordinate with the departments of the government to solve the problems and to fulfill the requirements of the members.
(e)     To take part in the formulation and implementation of national economics policies representing the member.
(f)     To conduct seminars and workshops from time to time and to publish books, journals and news bulletins to educate the members.
(g)     To agitate and organize among the members for maintaining fraternity.
(h)     To settle dispute amicably that may arise between the members from time to time.
(i)     To carry out the activities to contribute towards benefits of the Division and the people.
(j)     To guide the activities of the members and to agitate the members not to impose the burden on the people.
(k)     To develop the system with the object of long term economic development.

Objectives of Yangon Commodity Exchange Centre.

The objects for which the Centre is established are as follow:
(a)     To be able to trustworthy and fair trading market among members.
(b)     To be a market which the profit can be properly shared, between producers and traders by improving the quality of various beans & pulses, wheat, maize, oil crop, kitchen crop and other food crop.
(c)     To develop the technology and knowledge for cultivatation, pooducting, packing, dirtribution and trade the high quality marketable crops.